2022 USATF Outdoor Championships Masters Exhibition

Applications Open for the Masters 800m Exhibition Races at the 2022 USATF Outdoor Championships in June Date: Sunday, June 26, 2022 12:05 pm Women’s 800m (W50-69) 12:13 pm Men’s 800m (M60-79) Place: Hayward Field, Eugene Oregon Entry Information Masters-aged women, 50 to 69 and Masters-aged men 60 to 79, may…

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The Lad Pataki Award renamed The Carol Finsrud Award

As you know, we give out 4 awards annually specific to throws. The Lad Pataki Award for Lifetime Achievement as a Masters Thrower has been awarded since 2007. Lad was indeed a great athlete. The Throws committee discussed changing the name of the award based on the limited time that Lad actually…

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This is the second of two reports on the Masters Track & Field Committee’s meetings at the recently concluded USATF Annual Meeting in Orlando, Florida. This report covers important announcements made at the Annual Meeting regarding future plans for MTF. In addition to the formal actions taken by the MTF…

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WMA Travel Grants for Tampere – 2022

For the upcoming WMA Outdoor Championships in Tampere, Finland (June 29 – July 10, 2022) grants will go to qualified athletes who are in need of financial assistance to attend the meet. The Travel Grant Committee will distribute one-third of available travel grant awards prior to the meet to those…

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This is the first of two reports, on the Masters Track & Field Committee’s meetings at the recently concluded USATF Annual Meeting in Orlando, Florida. This report will cover actions taken by the MTF Committee. Site Selection On Friday, December 3, the Committee heard bid presentations from three bidders for…

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MTF Records Ratified at USATF Annual Meeting

According to the USATF Operating Regulations, records are under the purview of each of the Sport Committees, of which Masters Track & Field (MTF) is one. Record applications are reviewed by the MTF Records Subcommittee which makes their recommendation to the USATF Records Committee for their review and recommendation. The…

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