WMA Travel Grants for Toruń – 2023

For the upcoming WMA Indoor Championships in Toruń, Poland (March 26 – April 1, 2023) grants will go to qualified athletes who are in need of financial assistance to attend the meet.

Applications must be submitted by the close of meet registrations – any applications received after that date will not be considered.

The Travel Grant Committee will distribute one-third of available travel grant funds prior to the meet to those who would not otherwise be in a position to attend but have a high likelihood of winning a medal at the meet. The Travel Grant Committee will distribute the remaining two-thirds of the available travel grant funds to athletes who medal at the meet itself. Please note that the available grants will not fully cover an athlete’s entire travel expenses. In no case will the pre-meet grant to an athlete exceed $1000, and no athlete will receive more than $1000 in medal prize money. Athletes who otherwise have a portion of their travel paid for by USATF are ineligible to apply.

Applicants must provide verifiable evidence that they have a high likelihood of winning a medal and evidence of their financial need.

CLICK HERE FOR THE WMA TRAVEL GRANT PROGRAM APPLICATION FORM – Application deadline is the close of meet registration.

DONATE! Please help our athletes compete in Toruń!

Donations should be made on the USATF Foundation website at http://usatffoundation.org. Be sure to designate your donation for Masters.

If there are any questions, please contact MTF Chair Jerry Bookin-Weiner at mtfchair@usatf.org