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Masters Exhibition events are special competitions held at premier open track and field meets in the United States which showcase the top masters men and women athletes, age 35 and up.

In 2024, there were Masters Exhibition Events at six major meets – the USATF Indoor Championships, the Olympic Trials, Drake Relays, and three USATF Continental Gold Grand Prix meets in the spring. We anticipate having a similar line-up for 2025, with the USATF Outdoor Championships replacing the Olympic Trials. Specific events and age groups will be designated before the beginning of 2025.

In all cases, the top athletes in the designated age groups applying for each event will be selected to participate. All participants must be USA eligible for WMA events, and all participants must be a current USATF member. Except in rare instances, an athlete will not be eligible for selection for more than one Masters Exhibition Event per calendar year.

Unfortunately, there is no support for travel or lodging for participants in Masters Exhibition Events, except for Drake Relays where the Rex Harvey Memorial endowment covers local expenses for the athletes selected.

Contact Jerry Bookin-Weiner (mtfchair@usatf.org) or Robert Thomas (mtfvicechair@usatf.org) if you have any questions.

These events add an inspirational and dramatic dimension to open/invitational track meets. Track & field fans who appreciate great competition are never disappointed. In fact, they are amazed and impressed by the effort, dedication, and athletic ability of Masters athletes. It is a new awakening for many observers to realize that a 60-year-old sprinter or a 45-year-old miler can maintain superior fitness and perform at astonishing levels. This powerful message can change a person’s life. These events help spread the word that age is just a number, and everyone is welcome to become a part of USATF.

Masters Exhibition events provide important opportunities to recognize and reward top masters athletes for their accomplishments. Meet directors who are willing to devote a small segment of their schedule to these events are truly appreciated by the participants as well as the broader masters track & field community. These exhibition events create unique and enduring impressions that reflect positively not only on the athletes but on everyone else involved, including USATF, meet organizers and sponsors. Everyone is a winner.

Past Events


2024 2023 2022 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014
2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006
2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000

A Historical Review