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Masters Track and Field uses a regional system for administration and competition. There are seven Masters Regions in the United States, as indicated on the map above. Each Region contains several Associations. There are 57 Associations. Click on an item below for more information about that region.

General Information  |  East Region  |  Mid-America Region  |  Midwest RegionNorthwest Region  |  Southeast Region  |  Southwest Region  |  West Region

General Information

Every athlete who is a member of USATF joins the organization as a member of one of the USATF associations. For more information about associations, click here.

Each Region has a Regional Coordinator who is responsible for the masters activities within that region, including the region’s annual budget and regional championship events. Each regional coordinator may be contacted directly and may utilize his/her blog to communicate with athletes residing within the region.

According to the Operating Procedures of USATF Masters Track and Field, the role and responsibilities of the Regional Coordinators is as follows:

Regional Coordinators: Determination, Term, and Vacancies

    1. Each Masters Region shall have a Regional Coordinator.
    2. Each Region shall determine if the Regional Coordinator shall be elected by the Region or appointed by the MTF Chair.
    3. If the Region chooses to elect its Regional Coordinator, the Region’s procedure for election must be approved in advance by the MTF Executive Committee.
    4. The term of office shall coincide with the term of the MTF Chair.
    5. If the Regional Coordinator position becomes vacant, the Region (if responsible for electing) or the MTF Chair (if responsible for appointing) shall fill the vacancy within three months.

The Duties of the Regional Coordinators shall be as follows.

      1. Develop plans to strengthen the region;
      2. Be responsible for the selection of regional championship sites;
      3. Assist the directors of regional championship events and ensure that USATF rules of competition are followed;
      4. Ensure that regional records are maintained and kept up-to-date;
      5. Disperse funds allocated to the region;
      6. Submit a written and verbal report at the annual meeting of the Committee;
      7. Annually submit a written financial report to the Region;
      8. Disseminate information to masters athletes in the region;
      9. Represent the Region at the annual meeting of the MTF Committee;
      10. Serve as a member of the Executive Committee of MTF;
      11. Work with the Associations’ Masters Chairs in the Region to strengthen the masters program in each association.

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East Region


Mark Williams, Region Coordinator

  • States: Connecticut, Delaware, Massachusetts, Maryland, Maine, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Vermont, N. Virginia (Alexandria, Falls Church, Arlington Co., Fairfax Co), Washington D.C.
  • Associations: Adirondack | Connecticut | Long Island | Maine | Mid-Atlantic | New England | New Jersey | New York | Niagara | Potomac Valley | Three Rivers

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Mid-America Region


Roman Marenin, Region Coordinator

  • States: Colorado | Iowa | Kansas | Minnesota | Missouri | North Dakota | Nebraska | South Dakota
  • Associations: Minnesota | Missouri | Dakotas | Nebraska | Ozark | Iowa | Colorado

Mid America Region Outdoor Records – Mid America Region Indoor Records

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Midwest Region


Phil Pillin, Region Coordinator
Tim Cederblad, Deputy Region Coordinator

  • States: Illinois | Indiana | Kentucky | Michigan | Ohio | West Virginia | Wisconsin
  • Associations: Illinois | Indiana | Lake Erie | Ohio | Wisconsin | Michigan | Kentucky | West Virginia
  • Clubs: U-Chicago TC | Over The Hill TC | Eastern Buckeye Track Club

Upcoming Events


  • Sunday, February 2

Illinois Association Open/Masters Indoor Championships
Lewis University – Romeoville

  • Saturday, March 8

Midwest Regional Masters Indoor Championships
Taylor University – Upland, IN

  • Sunday, February 9

Wisconsin Association Open/Masters Indoor Championships
Carthage College – Kenosha
Lake Erie Association Open/Masters Indoor Championships
Spire Institute – Geneva, OH

  • February 20 – 23

National Masters Indoor Championships
Gainesville, FL

  • March 23 – 30

World Masters Indoor Championships
Gainesville, FL


  • Sunday, June 8

Illinois Association Open/Masters Championships
Lewis University, Romeoville, ILL

  • Sunday, June 15

Wisconsin Association Open/Masters Championships
Carroll University in Waukesha

  • Saturday, June 28

Midwest Regional Championships
Hillsdale College – Hillsdale, MI

  • Saturday, July 5

Lake Erie Association Championships
Spire Institute – Geneva, OH

  • July 17 – 20

National Championships
Huntsville, AL

Midwest Region Outdoor Records Midwest Region Indoor Records

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Northwest Region


George Mathews, Region Coordinator

  • States: Alaska | Idaho | Montana | Oregon | Utah | Washington | Wyoming
  • Associations: Alaska | Montana | Oregon | Utah | WA- Pacific NW WA- Inland NW | Snake River
  • Clubs: Oregon Track Club Masters

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Southeast Region


Tina Klein, Region Coordinator
Jim Griffin, Deputy Region Coordinator

  • States: Alabama | Florida | Georgia | North Carolina | South Carolina | Tennessee | Virginia
  • Associations: Alabama | Florida | Georgia | S. Carolina | N. Carolina | Virginia | Tennessee
  • Clubs: Atlanta Track Club | Nashville Striders | Quicksilver Track Club

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Southwest Region


Damon Blakemore, Region Coordinator
David Jones, Deputy Region Coordinator

  • States: Arkansas | Louisiana | Mississippi | Oklahoma | Texas
  • Associations: Southwestern | Arkansas | TX- Border | TX- Gulf | Oklahoma | South Texas | Southern (LA-MS) | West Texas
  • Clubs: Texas Track | Dallas Masters | Waterloo T&F Club

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West Region


Mark Cleary, Region Coordinator
Simone Terry, Deputy Region Coordinator

  • States: Arizona | California | Hawaii | Nevada | New Mexico
  • Associations: Arizona | Cent. Cal | Hawaii | Nevada | New Mexico | Pacific | San Diego | S. Cal
  • Clubs: Arizona Masters | Hawaii Masters TC | TNT(NV) | Reebok Aggies | SoCal TC | Trojan Masters TC | SC Striders